Amber Rhodes: Amplifying Mental Health Conversations

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Episode Summary

In this first-ever episode of Direct with Corrina and Taylor, the hosts are joined by a couch potato girl, Amber Rhodes, Social Media & Communications Manager at UserGems, an avid reader and reality TV watcher.

Amber opens up about her passion for mental health advocacy, her journey in creating a podcast, “Everything’s Come Up Marketing,” focused on mental health, and the importance of having open and honest conversations about mental well-being in the workplace.

Amber discusses her challenges in balancing her professional career and mental health and how her podcast serves as a therapeutic outlet. She emphasizes the need for listener support and sponsorship to continue providing valuable content, as well as her vision for improving the quality of her podcast and making a more significant impact on her audience.

Throughout the conversation, Amber, Corrina, and Taylor delve into how mental health conversations can empower individuals and create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Amber‘s candid discussion of her experiences offers inspiration and insight for others navigating their own mental health journeys, both personally and professionally.

Guest Profile


Key Insights

Episode Highlights

Amber’s Journey to Creating “Everything’s Coming Up Marketing”

Amber Rhodes discusses her decision to start the “Everything’s Coming Up Marketing” podcast, inspired by her own experiences and observations in the workplace. She recognized a need for open conversations about mental health in the professional world and wanted to create a space where people could share their stories and insights. In this highlight, Amber shares the motivation behind her podcast and the impact she hopes it will have on her listeners.

“I wanted to create a space where we could have these conversations without judgment and have professionals come in and talk about mental health in the workplace and how it affects our lives outside of work too.”

Amber’s Struggles with Self-Doubt and Acceptance

In this part of the conversation, Amber Rhodes opens up about her struggles with self-doubt and acceptance, particularly when it comes to her work as a content creator. She shares her thoughts on better quality and how her insecurities sometimes hold her back.

“That’s a good question cuz I, maybe I don’t need that. Maybe it’s just kind of, I’m in my head about it. […] It would be nice to have some monetary compensation because my stressful brain is always worried about not having the resources to take care of my family.”

The Therapeutic Nature of Amber’s Podcast

Amber Rhodes explains how creating and hosting her podcast has been a therapeutic experience. Despite being an introvert and initially nervous about sharing her thoughts and experiences, she has found the podcasting process to be a positive and empowering outlet.

 “It has; it’s a therapy for me to do it. […] They do feel like therapy, they gimme a lot to think about. And, it does make me feel more empowered to have these conversations cause I’m not, I’m not a mental health professional.”

Amber’s Vision for the Future of “Everything’s Coming Up Marketing”

Amber Rhodes shares her vision for the future of her podcast, hoping to see it grow and reach more people. She discusses the importance of listener support and sponsorship to help achieve this growth and continue providing valuable resources to her audience.

“If I had a magic wand, I would love to have more resources, better quality, and be able to reach more people. […] It does have to be free or like be listener supported first to get the attention of the people who can actually make the change.”

Additional Resources