
Peer-to-Peer Thought Leadership With Tara Robertson


Episode Summary

Tara Robertson believes that thought leadership is a misunderstood term, and that it often gets conflated with other marketing strategies like demand gen and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. She argues that thought leadership is a long-term strategy that can pay off in ways that other marketing initiatives may not, even though it can be difficult to measure the results.

According to Tara, the most misunderstood part of thought leadership is that you don’t have to be a C-suite executive to be one. Anyone with expertise and credibility can be a thought leader. 

Tara discusses how thought leadership is about connecting with peers and sharing learnings and insights on what’s changing in your industry. 

Erin asks Tara about the role of thought leadership at Chili Piper. More specifically, Erin uncovers how thought leadership plays a part in the company’s marketing strategy and content demand generation. 

Based on Tara’s experience at Chili Piper, she mentions how the company hires people that want to post on social media and grow their following. They do this in order to reinforce the brand and help with organic reach. The company is also intentional with its social media posting, dedicating an hour each week for employees to help share content.

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