
Tech Qualified provides B2B technology marketers with access to real world case studies and best practices. We interview industry leaders to uncover what is working in the world of B2B technology marketing.

Developing an effective content strategy is a top priority for a lot of marketing teams. And marketers have to constantly stay up to speed with algorithm changes in order to rank their best content. But if you monitor the algorithm too closely and don’t pay attention to your customers’ questions, then your content may miss the mark (i.e., won’t lead to revenue).
A strong company brand goes a long way to building trust with your ideal customers. And it helps you stand out when compared to other competitors. But aren’t brands made up of people? How can an evangelist help build your company’s brand? In this episode, Nick uncovers how an evangelist can help build your company’s brand by providing both a unique voice and a familiar face.
Believe in yourself and never settle for less than your authentic self. But that’s easier said than done, especially in the corporate world, where employees are sometimes expected to hold back a part of their personality and natural strengths to meet certain expectations. It’s time to eradicate that belief and prove to executives that only a culture of trust and open communication drives success. Therefore, we asked Amy Hegarty, SVP of Sales at MedTrainer, to join us on this episode of Taking the Lead.