
Build a plan for your podcast


I get it. You don’t want to talk to another sales guy. You just want to know how all this podcast stuff works.

And that’s why I put together a video. This way, you don’t have to talk to me yet. Because maybe you’re not quite ready. Or, maybe your day is already packed with enough meetings and you’d just rather watch the video…outside of business hours (isn’t that when the real work gets done anyhow?).

Want to see what it’s like to launch a podcast for your tech company – here’s what we have for you.

A video walk through of how to launch a podcast for your tech company, which covers these things:

  • You’ll see how a podcast can drive your entire content strategy
  • You’ll learn how a podcast can give you the 5 must have things every b2b content marketing strategy needs
  • You’ll identify the 5 types of guests you should bring on your show
A breakdown of the key components of a branded show:
  • You’ll get resources on how to select a name for your show
  • You’ll be able to pick a host
  • You’ll figure out how to structure an episode & learn about the 2 types of formats you must start with
  • You’ll get tips on how to establish your show’s “voice”
  • You’ll see how to repurpose a single episode into over 25 pieces of content
A list of the equipment and technology you’ll need:
  • You’ll get a list of recommended microphones & headphones to use (secret tip…they’re not that expensive)
  • You’ll see the recommended recording platforms & learn about the pros/cons of each
  • You’ll get access to the best hosting plans for a b2b podcast

After you go through the video & have access to the other resources, you’ll feel one of two ways:

  1. Pumped & ready to launch your company’s new show…armed with the plan to make it happen
  2. Super excited to see your podcast come to life…but also realizing you’ll need help to get it moving…because you already have enough sh*t to do

Either way, I’ll be here to pitch in.



