Grayson Hogard: The Cookie Guy™️

898F064D_3 - Direct with Corrina and Taylor - Grayson Hogard - Thumbnail

Episode Summary

In this episode, our hosts, Corrina and Taylor, engage with Grayson Hogard, the founder of Grove Cookie Company. They discuss the humble beginnings of the business, rooted in a home kitchen, which would not exist without his wife, Marie Hogard, and its evolution into a commercial enterprise. Grayson shares the challenges he faced, highlighting the importance of LinkedIn as a tool for networking and growing their customer base.

Diving deeper, Grayson discusses the struggles of keeping up with production demands, along with the significance of manufacturing contacts in a budding business. He shares his vision for improving production times and his aspirations for the next five years.

Towards the end, Grayson elaborates on his plans for further growth, discussing the need to reach out to the manufacturing sector. The conversation concludes on an optimistic note, with advice for Grayson to leverage his success story at manufacturing conferences, potentially opening more doors for his booming cookie business.

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Key Insights

Episode Highlights

The Birth of Grove Cookie Company 

The podcast opens up with Grayson Hogard sharing the inception story of the Grove Cookie Company. He talks about how a fun holiday tradition of baking cookies eventually turned into a thriving business. The transformation from a hobby to a full-fledged business was an interesting journey, marked by a moment of realization about the potential of their cookies. 

“Our friends and family were just like, you know what, you guys need to start selling these. And we thought, why not?”

The Art of Balancing Business and Personal Life 

Grayson delves into the challenges and rewards of running a business while maintaining a personal life. He speaks about the tightrope walk between work and home, especially when your business partner is also your life partner. The balance between business and personal life is crucial for success and longevity in any venture. 

“We try to have a cut-off point where we’re not talking about work. You know, we are husband and wife at the end of the day.”

The Impact of LinkedIn and Organic Growth

Grayson talks about the role LinkedIn played in the growth of their company. He emphasizes the power of organic connections and the impact of authentic engagement on their business.

“I’ve built a pretty solid network on LinkedIn and have just been very present and consistent on the platform. And that’s where a lot of our growth has come from.”

Looking Towards the Future

Grayson reflects on the future of Grove Cookie Company. He talks about the importance of thinking ahead and planning for growth. The conversation underlines the significance of a forward-thinking mindset in entrepreneurship. 

“How the next five years looks… getting that mindset because that’s how you have to really think. You do have to be present, but you do have to be thinking about growth in general.”