How a web developer grew into a podcaster with Marisa Eikenberry

Episode Summary

Podcasting is hard. It’s more than just sitting in front of the microphone and having a casual conversation with your guests. But if you have the right tools and put the right systems in place, podcasting can become much easier, and you’ll get better results.

In this episode of the Recorded Content podcast, our host Justin Brown welcomes Marisa Eikenberry, the web developer and podcast editor for The Kevin Eikenberry Group. They chat about how podcasting works, what are the best podcasting tools, and why you don’t have to be a subject matter expert to be a podcast host.

Guest Profile

Name: Marisa Eikenberry

What she does: She’s the web developer and podcast editor for The Kevin Eikenberry Group

Company: The Kevin Eikenberry Group

Noteworthy: Marisa edits podcasts like The Remarkable Leadership Podcast and Talk Like a Leader and is a co-host for The Long-Distance Worklife

Key Insights

  • What goes on behind the scenes of a podcast: Podcasting requires much more work than most people think. Marisa explains, “On Long-Distance Worklife, I’m doing almost everything except for scheduling guests. So I’m recording with Wayne; we always record two episodes at a time. We still use StreamYard for that even though we’re not doing a live episode; we’re just using it to record. From there, I’m doing all of our show notes, descriptions, any of our related episodes. I also use Premiere for all of our podcasts to get a transcript out, which is usually posted in our show notes. One of the other things that I do is that for any of the episodes that Wayne and I are on together, I pick our topic. So I’m researching: What are we going to talk about? What questions am I going to ask? All of that stuff is all me.”
  • Podcasting can help you showcase your expertise to potential clients: The benefits of podcasting are endless. One of the biggest perks is that it allows you to showcase your expertise and connect with potential clients. Marisa says, “One of the biggest things was that if we have a client who wants to hire Kevin to speak at their event, do a keynote event, which is something that we do a lot, we are able to say, ‘Oh, you want to know about communication or you want to hear him talk about this specific subject? Oh, here are these episodes where he’s talking to guests about this.’ So it’s been another avenue to help a client see, ‘Oh, this is what they’re going to get when they hire The Kevin Eikenberry Group.'”
  • You don’t necessarily have to be a subject matter expert to host a podcast: If you think you can’t be a podcast host because you’re not a subject matter expert, think again. Marisa explains, “We both came to the conclusion that people are people and please treat them that way. But not everybody thinks that way. That’s a whole different discussion. But we got a lot of feedback on that episode, which is the first time that we had really gotten feedback at all. It was really incredible to see these people say, ‘Oh my gosh, hearing both of you guys come together, it didn’t necessarily feel like an amateur expert kind of thing. It was both of us coming together and talking about the subject, which is what we’re hoping to see and to do especially as we keep continuing with the podcast.'”

Episode Highlights

Headliner vs Adobe Premiere

“I’ve messed with Headliner a little bit before and I think it’s a really great program for people who don’t have access to things like Premiere, but because I already have access to Premiere, it just made it easy to kind of keep everything together. For the most part, when we do clips, I do video-only clips. I’ve been thinking about experimenting with both those Headliner type audio clips as well as video ones just to see if it changes anything. But for the most part, everything’s done inside Premiere.”

Task blocking is a great time management strategy

“I’m a big fan of task blocking. I know some people call it time blocking. I’m a bit more task-oriented, so that’s probably why I call it something slightly different. But I learned about it from Cal Newport’s book Deep Work. And essentially there’s this premise that at 10:00 am every Monday, I’m editing The Remarkable Leadership Podcast and on Wednesday at 2:00 pm, I’m going to edit The Long-Distance Worklife.”

Captioning your podcast clips is more important than ever

“From there, I click a button and I have captions instantly, and then I can take those captions. And now the clips that I’m going to put out will have captions underneath them so when people listen to them silently, there’s no problem. They know exactly what’s being said, which is something I’ve been a big proponent of for the last couple of weeks because I know so many people watch their social media on silent or with low volume. And it’s a way for them to still get that content without necessarily hearing it.”

The importance of connecting with other experts in your niche

“I know that you and I connected, I believe in March or April, it hasn’t been too long but it’s definitely been within that time frame, and that’s been really fun. I know that I’ve connected with a lot of other people in the podcasting community. I’ve connected with a lot of people in the remote work community, and just seeing all the learning from those different people has been really incredible. And not that followers and numbers are super important, but it’s been kind of exciting to me to see that number grow even in the short time that I’ve been on LinkedIn because it’s like, ‘Oh my gosh, I know something. What I know is worth sharing.'”

4 simple steps to launching your company's content series

step 1

Schedule a call with us

Book a call to get started. We’ll develop an understanding of your needs and set the foundation for your content strategy.

step 2

We'll discuss your requirements

Discuss your goals and requirements with our team to tailor a content solution that fits your business.

step 3

We'll scope out your ideal program

We’ll create a detailed plan outlining your ideal video series or podcast program, aligned with your objectives.

step 4

We'll build & execute your content plan

Our team will produce and manage your content, ensuring high-quality delivery and engagement across various channels.