How to balance trending topics & evergreen content with Rocco Strydom

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Episode Summary

We could say that podcasts are at the intersection of traditional and new media. Their purpose is to inform, socialize, and entertain, like TV or radio — but in the digital space. But podcasts bring an additional dimension, which is to educate.

Therefore, aside from being fun, podcasts must provide value to attract and keep viewers/listeners.

In this episode of Recorded Content, our host Justin Brown welcomes Rocco Strydom, an entrepreneur, the founder of SGM Holdings, and a podcast host. Rocco and Justin discuss the stages of creating a podcast, the importance of marketing and promoting it, and the reasons podcast hosts should repurpose content and distribute it to their target audience’s preferred channels.

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Episode Highlights

People Consume Content Differently, and As Content Creators, We Must Meet All Their Preferences

”This is why, in my opinion, stuff like Clubhouse and all these live events, yeah, they’re cool when they get there, but they don’t have longevity. They’ve all pretty much died. 

It’s because people want to consume where they are, on their time, and how they want it. So you have to cater to everyone all the time, in written, video, and audio. If you want to succeed, you have to; you don’t have a choice.”

Podcasting Enables Me to Meet People and Learn From Them

”And a by-product of producing a weekly podcast is consuming knowledge, tweaking, and changing things. […] So, it’s all about networking, especially if you have a guest every week.”

People Who Post Daily Are Perfect Guests for Evergreen Content

”Copywriters are very good guests for finance podcasts, especially finance or tech copywriters, because they have their finger on the pulse. They know what’s happening in the digital marketing space. They know what’s happening in/out, outsourced, all those things. Career coaches are [also] good. […] They’re putting out content — it’s not relevant to the market per se, but the fundamentals of what is going on are there.”